5 First Date Cliches I’m All For, and 5 I’m Not.

  1. Flowers? Absolutely.

I don’t know about anyone else, but while ‘anytime’ flowers has become popular amongst couples, the flowers on first dates have not. I can’t name a single classic vintage movie love story that doesn’t involve bringing flowers on a first date. Seriously, one of my dreams is to have a date bring me a rose, I think it’s sweet.

2. Good night kiss? No thanks.

There is nothing more awkward than trying to prepare for a kiss you know is coming… or not coming. I was never comfortable after a date because I couldn’t tell if they wanted to, or could tell if I wanted to… it’s like we’re in the seventh grade all over again. I have a rule, don’t wait until the end of the date to kiss them. Besides doesn’t everyone want the spontaenous first kiss story? Just make eye contact and find a good time.

3. Dinner and a Movie? Yes please.

Okay, maybe not dinner and a movie, but when did dates become so one dimensional? You pick dinner or movie. I love when we make a plan, let’s go bowling and then play at the arcade. Let’s do an escape room then go get icecream. My friend says it’s the best way to tell if someone likes you or not, he says he can tell when a girl just isn’t that into him when they go onto the next activity. He either likes them back and tries to win her over, or he awknowleges it, takes the pressure off, and as soon as the date is over, he can talk to them about how he doesn’t think either of them is really into it.

4. Dinner dates? Meh…

I much prefer doing activities over dinner. Personally I hate small talk, and I like it when the conversation just flows well, and I find it best during an activity. Fighting with someone in an escape room, or learning to make something in a cooking class, will show chemistry better than sitting at a table, nervously sipping drinks.

5. Not kissing on the first date? Mhmm.

Okay I know I said not to wait until the end of the date to kiss someone, but it’s also great not to kiss on the first date. If you’re uncomfortable there is not a respectful guy alive, that wouldn’t take no for an answer. If you tell them you don’t kiss on the first date, or are uncomfortable, you’ll find out real quic if this person is worth it or not. If you want to kiss on the cheek but are nervous. Go in for an obvious hug and kiss her head or cheek and say good night. I think it’s super sweet and gets the point across.

6.Long walks.? Forget it.

Walks of any kind for that matter.First, I don’t do cardio. Second, if I don’t know you then I refuse to walk anywhere with someone, especially in a more secluded area. Nothing terrifies me more than a person that wants to go hiking on a first date.

7. Making a fuss. YES!

I will never forget the time I fussed over getting dressed and put on makeup and did my hair and just really wanted to look my best for someone who didn’t show up. When you cancel or stand us up, it really hurts. I can guarenttee they are excited about it, show us them you are too. Text, tell them you’re excited, dress for the occasion, and don’t be that person that’s playing it cool.

8. Picking me up? You will not know my address.

Look if it’s the boy from shool you’ve known for a long time, or your trusted coworker, I understand your willingness, but this is not just a danger thing to me. I like to drive myself somewhere because if I don’t like you or you make me uncomfortable, I can leave, and have a way home.

9. I’ll call you? I’ll wait by the phone.

You dont need to call and have an hour chat with me but please call me ask how I am and plan a second date with me. Then once plans are made you can hang up with me. It’s better than, Hyd? Wanna hang again?

10. Men should pay for dinner? Why?

I think it’s thoughtful when a guy wants to pay for dinner, and we’re mainly talking heterosexual dating cliche here but I can’t help but hate this one. I think it’s very nice for someone to offer to pay but personally I never assume that my date will pay. I always reach for my card and put it on the table. I love to see the reactions sometimes, men are suprised because I do it so automatically, they are taken back for a second. If we start going back and forth I’ll suggest the wait staff pick between our cards.